Shareholder Information

Share Price

Please click here to view the current Time Finance share price.


Number of AIM Securities in issue

The Company has 92,512,704 Ordinary Shares of £0.10 each in issue, and does not hold any shares in Treasury.


Percentage of AIM Securities not in public hands



AIM Securities transfer restrictions


Other exchanges or trading platforms on which the company has applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded



Significant/ Substantial Shareholders

Total Director’s Holding Current %OS
Ed Rimmer 919,831 0.99%
James Roberts 663,596 0.72%
Paul Hird 96,930 0.10%
Tanya Raynes 38,674 0.04%
Tracy Watkinson 18,231 0.02%
Total Director’s Holdings 1,737,262 1.88% 


Significant Shareholders Current %OS
Arena Investors LP 18,425,000 19.92%
GPIM Limited 16,777,972 18.14%
Ron Russell 11,542,788 12.48%
Shares not in public hands 46,745,760 50.53%


* Ronald Russell’s holding includes 622,950 shares held by UK Private Healthcare Limited, of which he is a Director and 25% shareholder.


Time Finance is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. The above information has been disclosed pursuant to Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. Information last updated 4th March 2025.

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