career path changes
02 Nov 2023 / News

National Career Development Month; Changing career paths

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career development

'You need flexibility to realise your potential'

Developing a career is not always linear and climbing a professional ladder can sometimes involve a side step or two to unlock the potential in your skillset. This National Career Development Month, we’re exploring the breadth of roles and the many different routes into the finance industry. We caught up with Jennie Woloschuk, our Office Administrator in Bath, to hear about her career path changes with Time Finance.

  1. When did you join Time Finance and what was your position when you joined?

I first joined Time Finance in 2017 as a Legal Administrator. I knew very little about the finance industry but quickly picked up the legal and finance terms and did everything I could to get up-to-speed. Getting to grips with something so new was challenging but very rewarding.

At the time, my role involved working with our customers’ solicitors to agree payment plans and solutions that suited their circumstances. It’s a really important role and I’m grateful that this was my first experience in the finance industry because it helped me understand our customers’ specific needs. In June 2021, I started working towards a promotion and in the following October I stepped up to the role of Litigation Executive.

  1. What has your career journey been with Time Finance and what is your current position?

Time Finance has always encouraged me to find my passion and offered the flexibility to find a career path that fit my skills - for me, that’s been amazing.

Last year I started to wonder if there may be another role that I would be suited to... I was really interested in Human Resources, especially how I could positively contribute to the culture at Time Finance and make a difference to people’s jobs and happiness at work.

At the time, our HR Manager was going on maternity leave, which meant there was a slight re-shuffle and an Office Administrator role became available. I was really excited for a new challenge and felt ready for a whole new learning curve. With the support and confidence of my colleagues, I went for the position and became Office Administrator in Bath, back in 2022.

  1. What do you enjoy most about your role?

I am really passionate about employee wellbeing. Having my own experiences with mental health, I knew first-hand the fantastic support systems we could put in place. I’m a bit of a fixer, and I want to make people feel happy and supported in the workplace and connecting them to the various health and wellbeing services available to them is really rewarding. Raising awareness of these support services is also vital, so we make sure that as many people as possible access the support they need.

  1. Have you undertaken any formal training while at Time Finance?

In my first role as Legal Admin I expressed interest in the National Association of Licenced Paralegal’s Level 3 Diploma in Paralegal Practice (NALP). Fully funded by Time Finance, I enrolled onto the course in 2018 and after a lot of hard work alongside my day job throughout the pandemic, I completed the course in 2020.

I’m so thankful to have had that opportunity; it just wouldn’t have been possible without the training allowance we have here. The support, commitment and investment from Time Finance has meant so much to me and something I want to give back to the business.

  1. What are your passions outside of work?

I graduated from Plymouth University in 2010 with a degree in Theatre, and ever since I’ve had a huge passion for it. I’ve joined many theatre and musical theatre clubs over the years, but in my latest venture I’ll be making my Directorial debut for a play called Annie Get Your Gun! We’re already underway with rehearsals and I’m loving every minute of it!

  1. At this stage in your career, what do you hope to achieve next?

The most important thing for me is having a fulfilling role that makes a difference to people. I really just want to be good at what I do, whatever that may be.

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