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12 Aug 2020 / Vehicle Finance

Will your business be going green?

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On a global scale “going green” has become a high priority for all businesses within both new and traditional sectors.  Over recent years, Governments and social initiatives have influenced the way businesses plan to operate and the momentum for investing in sustainable projects will only increase. Research* shows that almost two-thirds of SMEs want to develop more environmentally sustainable ways of working with over 20% of them feeling pressured to make such changes by their clients.

So how can we as funders, help encourage investment in sustainable projects within the UK SME market? Representing 99% of the UK’s business population, SME’s are vital in the generation of jobs and wealth in our economy and without an effective source of finance to support these investments, these businesses could be held back which could prove detrimental in their ability to compete in an ever-changing world. Time Finance, believe now more than ever, that collectively advisors and funders have a key role to play in supporting these changes moving forward.

In recent years, we have invested in expanding our portfolio of financial solutions to support businesses in this ever-changing world.  Our focus on understanding our clients’ business, the plans they have and how a flexible funding solution could help them realise their ambitions is at the heart of everything we do.  Our clients expect us to be able to offer bespoke funding packages which support all areas of their business and which acts as a launchpad for SME growth and change.

We offer a multi-product range of business finance solutions to the UK market from Asset Finance, Invoice Finance, Loans through to Vehicle Finance.  Our portfolio can support businesses looking to invest in environmentally focused initiatives.  Be that:

  • a desire to invest in the latest equipment which could be more energy efficient or produce less waste
  • introducing newer or electric vehicles to your fleet to reduce emissions and cut costs
  • investing in property or refurbishments to introduce energy-saving initiatives
  • to release cashflow to give you the flexibility to make your “green” initiatives happen

Recently, we have supported our clients with their investments in many green initiatives.  From investing in the introduction of electric vans and vehicles to their fleets; funding the engineering and construction of climate-resilient infrastructures; as well as funding the introduction of more energy-efficient plant and machinery are just a handful of investments we see businesses looking to make this year. 

Whatever the solution be, whether it is a single or a packaged finance facility, when advisors and funders work together to deliver an effective source of finance to clients, it instils the trust and confidence businesses need to drive forward with these key investments. Understanding our clients’ need for change allows us to support them so that they can capitalise on new opportunities and guarantee the future of British businesses.

*Lloyds Bank Business Barometer

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